Parent Talk 2024 Issue 4
Welcome to Parent Talk
2025 Family Faith Diary Giveaway!
Our 2024 ACU Teaching Scholarship Recipient
Dr Justin Coulson Presents 'Breaking Point'
Term 4 eSafety Webinar
Pocket Speechie: Getting Ready for Kinder
Sorry Business Video: A New Resource for Schools and Families
Anticipating Christmas in Advent
New Early Childhood Options
NESA News: New 7-10 Syllabuses and Parent Guides
Social Media for Children to Be Banned
HSC Study Guide and Exam Timetable
Parent and Carer Surveys
Subscribe to Parent Talk
Welcome to Parent Talk

Welcome to week 2 of the last term of 2024. I hope you had a restful and relaxing holiday during the spring break.
At CCSP, there has been no rest for the wonderful! We have been busy working on our new website, coordinating authorisations from directors of schools for 2025 membership on our Council and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee, and calling for submissions for the Roger O'Sullivan Award, our annual grant for schools who have a project promoting authentic family and community engagement. We are excited to announce that we received over 30 wonderful submissions from schools! Our judging panel will spend the next couple of weeks looking at these submissions, and the award will be announced in November.
You may have noticed we have a beautiful new logo and look here at CCSP! We are delighted to introduce our new colour palette and logo, which was developed in consultation with our Council and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee members, ensuring the logo was truly representative and focused on the person of Christ as central to our work. A member of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee assisted in providing guidance and styling to support the newly developed logo.
The elements of the new logo
- The Cross – prominent, dominant and representative of the centrality of our Catholic faith in our work and relationships. It also represents our parishes and the leading role they play in the parish, school family partnership.
- The colour palette featuring greens and blues representative of the sky, bush and seas of Country.
- Hands connected representing schools and the community of families, working together, fostering belonging and connection with our parishes.
- 12 dots around the top of the logo that represent our 11 dioceses and the CRMNA schools.
- Central dot – the family. Embraced by the parish and school communities.
The new logo will gradually be phased in to feature on all collateral and form the basis of design for our new website which we expect to be fully operational to coincide with celebrations to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT in 2025.
We hope you love it as much as we do!

We held our Term 3 Combined Council and Committee Meeting in the Catholic Education Offices of Canberra-Goulburn this year on 29 and 30 August, and gathered for Mass, meetings and dinner. The group joined to discuss a best practice family engagement resource designed to inform schools how they can partner successfully with families, we planned our 2025 calendar of professional learning events for parents and carers, and enjoyed presentations from diocesan directors. Regina Menz, Director, Diocese of Armidale; Sean Scanlon, Director, Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle; and Ross Fox, Director, Archdiocese of Canberra-Goulburn all joined us to present on family engagement initiatives in their dioceses. We were also delighted to have Archbishop Christopher Prowse talk to the group and give us a blessing. He told us that
‘We propose Jesus in our schools – not impose – but unapologetically propose Jesus.
We are carrying burning embers, not coals
That need our breath to keep them burning and passed on to the next generation.’
During the meeting we also filmed a video with members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee on Sorry Business. See the article later in this edition of Parent Talk.

On 4 September, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee presented a special online reading event to support our children's literacy skills and celebrate Indigenous Literacy Day: ‘Anita Heiss Reads Bidhi Galing’.
We gave away 100 books to families so that they could read along with Anita, and we got some lovely pics of children reading their books and feedback from parents.

Thank you so much for last night. My daughter and myself really enjoyed listening to Anita read her book.
Thank you for organising using the book reading. Here is a photo as requested. Will a recording of the reading be available online? I would love to share the book with my preschool class.
Thank you, we had a great time joining in tonight!
On Friday 13 September CCSP headed out to the Hunter Sports Centre in Glendale, Newcastle to hand out free coffees to our fabulous parents and carers at the Polding Athletics Championships on Friday, 13 September. We love having a chat with parents and carers at these sports events!

We are currently writing a submission, due 1 November 2024, for the parliamentary inquiry ‘Impacts of harmful pornography on mental, emotional, and physical health. In addition, the inquiry will:
- consider the relationship between harmful pornography use and respect and consent education
- examine the production and distribution of pornography, including deepfake and AI-generated content
- assess the impact of violent and degrading pornography on children and young people
- evaluate the support available to parents and carers to educate children about pornography.
Contributions to the inquiry can be made by lodging a submission or completing an online questionnaire by 1 November 2024.
Individual contributors may choose to complete an online questionnaire.
CCSP attended the CSNSW K-12 Curriculum Conference on 30 September and 1 October, where I spoke on behalf of our parents and carers during a panel discussion about the ‘Future of Senior Secondary Schooling’. We will be sharing what we learnt in these last two days with parents and carers in Term 1, 2025, in a webinar about the new curriculum. Watch this space!

We have some excellent professional learning opportunities coming up that we hope you’ll join us for:
- 30 October: Breaking Point free webinar, with Dr Justin Coulson – Here’s the link to click on the night: Council of Catholic Schools Parents | Breaking Point | 7pm AEDT (more in the article below)
- 12 November: eSafety Commissioner free cybersafety webinar ‘Supporting healthy tech use as your child transitions into high school – Find out more and how to register:
We are starting to work on organising our 2025 Conference. Next year is a big year for us as it’s our 30th anniversary. Happy birthday to us! Stay tuned. When we launch our new website you’ll be able to sign up for notifications about our birthday celebrations and the 2025 CCSP 30th Anniversary Conference.
Lastly, we wish all our HSC students luck as the exams approach (link to timetable). Our prayers are with you and your family for a calm and successful exam period.
Have a wonderful Term 4. Take care and God bless.
Catherine Garrett-Jones
Executive Director CCSP
2025 Family Faith Diary Giveaway!

A diary to support parents and families of children in Catholic schools in NSW/ACT
to engage in their child’s learning
The Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT has created this diary with parents and carers in mind. The pages are organised by school terms with school holidays highlighted, with lots of room to write all the family’s appointments and activities. We’ve included some eful information about parent engagement and how parents and families can support their child’s learning.
There’s also some great tips on how to lead a more faith-filled life including how to create a prayer space and celebrate special days at home, interesting Catholic facts, and even some puzzle pages to keep kids happy in restaurants or waiting rooms.
We are giving away 100 of our CCSP 2025 Family Faith Diaries to our parents and carers!
Just complete the form below - give us your name and postal details and tell us in 10-20 words your favourite way your chlid's school involved parents and carers in 2024, or your ideas for how schools can engage families.
We hope this diary helps you to keep organised in 2025 and support your child’s learning at home and at school.
Our 2024 ACU Teaching Scholarship Recipient

We caught up with Taleise Pickavance, who is our 2024 Teacher Education Scholarship recipient, on 15 August. CCSP provides a scholarship to a pre-service teacher at Australian Catholic University (ACU). The scholarship acts as an incentive to further their understanding and subsequent application of parent engagement in their teaching role. Taleise told us a bit about her teaching career goals.
What is the teaching course you are undertaking at Strathfield?
I am pursuing a Bachelor of Education Primary through the Away From Base program at the Australian Catholic University.
Why have you chosen to undertake a teaching degree and what do you hope to achieve with it in the future?
I chose to pursue a teaching degree because of the significant impact that my own Aboriginal Education Workers had on me when as a student. Their support and understanding inspired me to become a positive influence for others, particularly First Nations students. I am passionate about making a meaningful impact on children's lives and shaping their futures by creating an inclusive and nurturing educational environment where all students feel safe, valued and confident in their abilities.
As I work towards a career in primary education, my focus is on supporting the diverse needs of my future class while embedding culturally responsive teaching practices. I am committed to celebrating the diversity and individuality of each child, ensuring that their unique backgrounds, experiences and strengths are respected and embraced within the classroom and the school community.
My aim is to empower students to develop a strong sense of self-identity and believe in their potential to achieve their goals. In the long term, I hope to contribute to an educational system that celebrates diversity, promotes equity and helps every child thrive academically and personally.
Can you please describe your passion and strategies for engaging parents in their child's learning journey?
My passion for engaging parents in their child’s learning journey stems from my commitment to making a positive impact on children’s lives and helping shape their future. I believe that creating a safe, inclusive environment is crucial for students to develop confidence and a strong sense of self-identity. By fostering open confidence and collaboration between parents and teachers, it allows for the opportunity to build a supportive network that helps students feel valued and motivated.
Engaging parents means partnering with them to better understand each student’s unique needs, strengths and challenges. I prioritise transparent communication, offering opportunities for parents to share insights and be involved in their child’s progress. By doing so, I can create a cohesive learning experience that extends beyond the classroom, empowering students to dream big, achieve their goals and feel supported both at school and at home.
Why do you think encouraging parental engagement is an important aspect of teaching?
Encouraging parental engagement is vital as it fosters a collaborative environment where students can thrive. When parents and teachers work together, they can create a supportive network that enhances children’s success both academically, socially and emotionally.
Parents offer valuable insights about their children that can help teachers tailor their approaches to meet individual needs. By actively involving parents in the educational process, teachers can support students; overall wellbeing, helping them feel safe, understood and valued. This collaboration strengthens a child’s emotional resilience, self-esteem and sense of belonging. By building strong connections between home and school, we enrich a child’s learning experience and
promote a holistic approach to their education.
Do you want to teach in either a Catholic primary or secondary school and what would you bring to this role?
I am passionate about teaching in a Catholic primary school, as my own education has been deeply influenced by Catholic values through my time in a Catholic primary school, high school and university. I bring a strong commitment to fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment that aligns with the methods of Catholic education, focusing on holistic student development - spiritually, academically and emotionally. In this role, I strive to create a classroom where students feel valued, respected and empowered to grow in their faith while pursuing their academic and personal goals. I am dedicated to embedding values such as compassion, respect and community. I am dedicated to embedding values of faith based education such as compassion, respect, love, justice, mercy and service within the curriculum. This approach not
only encourages academic excellence but also nurtures responsible and empathetic individuals who reflect the teachings of Catholic faith.
Congratulations, Taleise! We wish you all the best in your studies and career.
Dr Justin Coulson Presents 'Breaking Point'

If you missed Justin presenting on 11 September, never fear!
Justin has kindly offered to do another session for our parents and carers, so we are hoping you can make it for this second session so you can benefit from being part of this moving and informative webinar.
With Dr Justin Coulson
WHEN: Wednesday 30 October 2024
TIME: 7pm – 8pm
Here’s the link to click on the night: Council of Catholic Schools Parents | Breaking Point | 7pm AEDT
To say we were humbled by the feedback we received is an enormous understatement. To each of you who emailed us, and we know you, our sincere thanks. At CCSP, we are driven by our desire to serve and support our families and when we get it right and you let us know, it makes our week! Thank you!
And here's what some of our attendees had to say about Justin’s last session:
‘Thanks so much for organising the presentation. We had all of our kids watching it with us. I think it may have sunk the message in seeing Justin show his emotions whilst presenting. … I really enjoy and am grateful for the material you guys offer to parents and I jump on board any time I possibly can.’
‘I was meaning to send a thank you email this morning. The webinar was probably one of the best I've ever seen. Thank you for organising it. Our family have taken a lot from it.’
‘Thank you for giving us access to such a wonderful, knowledgeable and compassionate expert! As an educator and a parent, I am so grateful.’
‘Thank you - I was able to join and it was such a valuable session. Appreciate you making this event possible.’
‘Thank you so much. The session was amazing and very touching.’
‘I know you are going to be inundated with messages today about how incredible last night’s zoom was, but it really was. I can’t sit back and not email you thanks. It was so informative and relevant and spot on. An amazing choice host from CCSP and if we could get him again and again and again that would be so good! Thanks for all your efforts and care, last night it really showed.’
‘Dr Coulson was a highly engaging and relatable speaker. As a parent of 2 busy boys I felt his words were “real” and “achievable”.
Download the flyer:
Term 4 eSafety Webinar

Join the eSafety Commissioner's expert education and training team for a FREE live webinar - our last one for the year, especially for CCSP parents and carers
Tuesday 12 November, 12.30 – 1pm (lunch and learn!)
'Supporting healthy tech use as your child transitions into high school'
This FREE webinar is suitable for parents and carers of young people in upper primary school (aged 11–12) and Year 7. It explores the social pressures, peer influences, and technological challenges young people face as they transition into high school. It also offers practical strategies for navigating online friendships and connections to help minimise negative experiences.
Pocket Speechie: Getting Ready for Kinder

Weekly speech, language, and literacy tips to help children get ready for school
Pocket Speechie is a health promotion project developed by the HNEkids Community Based Speech Pathology team. Written by speech pathologists, Pocket Speechie delivers helpful information and activities to parents, carers, and educators via SMS. The messages are aimed at improving health and literacy outcomes, and to provide tips to help children get ready for kindergarten. The strategies may be new or simply offer a different way of doing something.
The SMS service will continue throughout 2024 and beyond and all are welcome to register!
Topics covered in the text message service include:
- Typical speech sound development
- Vocabulary and language development
- Book sharing
- Hearing and the links with speech and language
- Transition to school and school readiness.
Sign up to Pocket Speechie using the QR code or at
Download the flyer here:
Sorry Business Video: A New Resource for Schools and Families
In this beautiful video, members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee talk about what Sorry Business means to them, and how schools can help families who are impacted by Sorry Business.
In the spirit of ongoing reconciliation, the aim of the video is to give school staff and other parents personal insights into how Sorry Business affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, with the hope that it will encourage all school communities to work together to support Aboriginal students and their families during these times.
Please share this video with your communities, upload to your websites and use in meetings and cultural awareness training
Anticipating Christmas in Advent
It’s hard to believe, but we are already approaching the end of 2024 in this last term. The Catholic Church celebrates the mysteries of Christ’s life in a recurrent pattern. Within the cycle of a year the Church remembers and celebrates Christ’s conception, birth, death, resurrection and sending of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The new liturgical year begins on the first Sunday of Advent (leading up to Christmas) at the end of November, just as many other things like the academic year are coming to an end.
Advent holds special significance for Catholics. Advent customs and traditions, such as Advent calendars and singing carols, help us to prepare both spiritually and culturally for the joyous celebration of Christmas. They foster a sense of anticipation, reflection, and communal worship during this sacred season.

Advent colours
Different colours are used in church to indicate the season or feast that is being celebrated – these colours are worn by the priest and used to decorate the church and prayer spaces according to the season.
Purple is used during Advent – the four Sundays before Christmas during which Catholics prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth and anticipate his coming again at the end of time.
Advent wreaths
An Advent wreath is a beautiful way to join together to acknowledge the coming of Christ. It typically consists of a wreath of green holly with four candles, one of which is lit on each of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas:
- First Sunday of Advent: Hope, candle colour: purple
- Second Sunday of Advent: Peace, candle colour: purple
- Third Sunday of Advent: Joy, candle colour: pink
- Fourth Sunday of Advent: Love, candle colour: purple
The fifth candle, often white, is the Christ Candle and is lit on Christmas Day.
The leaves of the holly are a reminder of Christ's crown of thorns, and the red berries symbolise His blood.
Families or other small groups of people give devotional readings while lighting the candles on the Advent wreath, adding a meaningful dimension to worship. Many families repeat the tradition at home as a way of deepening and making spiritual preparations more intimate and personal.
Here is a beautiful family prayer you may like to say at home for Christmas. Thank you to the Diocese of Lismore:
New Early Childhood Options

Productivity Commissions Report
A path to universal early childhood education and care
This inquiry report examines the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector, including: centre-based day care, preschools, family day care, outside school hours care, and in home care. This report outlines what a universal ECEC system would look like, and the significant reforms necessary to achieve it. These reforms tackle issues that affect ECEC availability, inclusion, affordability, quality and equity.
The report's recommendations aim to remove barriers to ECEC access and support better outcomes for all children and families.
National Catholic Education executive director Jacinta Collins said in a September media release: “The Productivity Commissions 56 comprehensive recommendations address removing barriers and emphasise the importance of accessible, flexible and high-quality early childhood options. We believe this will help smooth transitions for children entering primary school, contributing to better educational outcomes and reducing developmental gaps."
Good news for parents and carers!
Read the full media release here:
NESA News: New 7-10 Syllabuses and Parent Guides

The final suite of reformed mandatory syllabuses for Years 7 to 10 are now available on the NSW Curriculum website.
Parents and carers can easily access content on the website and can access a number of parent guides so they can support their child’s learning: Teaching resources | Syllabus support | NSW Curriculum | NSW Education Standards Authority
Each syllabus across History, Geography and Visual Arts clearly articulates the knowledge and skills students need to acquire at each level of learning, to best support teachers and students. Teaching resources have been released alongside the new syllabuses, with additional support materials to follow.
The new syllabuses will be implemented by 2027.
Social Media for Children to Be Banned

On 10 September 2024, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced that the Albanese Labor Government will introduce legislation this year to enforce a minimum age for access to social media and other relevant digital platforms.
A Commonwealth-led approach to this important social issue will ensure Australian children are better protected from online harms and parents and carers are supported.
Federal legislation will be informed by engagement with States and Territories through National Cabinet and draw upon recent work by former Chief Justice Robert French.
It also builds upon the Albanese Government’s work to address online harms for young people. In particular, the $6.5 million age assurance trial which is testing different implementation approaches to help inform policy design.
What are your thoughts? Is the government right to introduce a ban? What age do you think would be appropriate for kids to access social media? Click the link below and tell us what you think:
HSC Study Guide and Exam Timetable

The HSC Study Guide is out now with all the essential information and resources students need to confidently tackle their final exams!
This year’s guide is packed with advice from expert teachers who have marked the HSC, tips from past students, and helpful suggestions for setting up a great study routine. There’s also advice from the experts at ReachOut on how students and their families can look after their wellbeing in the lead-up to exams.
Find out more here:
The NSW Education Standards Authority announced in May that students can access their personalised 2024 HSC exam timetable via Students Online (, and schools can access their cohort timetables at Schools Online.
HSC written exams will start on Tuesday 15 October, with English paper 1 and finish with Geography on Friday 8 November
2024. Languages and practical exam timetables are already available.
You can download a copy of the complete 2024 HSC exam timetable here:
Parent and Carer Surveys
Catholic Schools Parents Australia National Parent Survey
Take the opportunity to have your say about your child’s wellbeing. Are your expectations around your child’s wellbeing and learning being met? Share your views – CSPA is listening…To have your say about your child’s wellbeing, click on the survey link:

myfuture Annual Survey
As a free national career information service, the development of myfuture is grounded in best practice and careers research, coupled with feedback received, particularly from users and stakeholders.
The careers team at ESA would love to know more about how you support your child/ren in their career exploration, planning and decision-making. Take this opportunity to complete the 2024 myfuture survey and provide your feedback on the platform and share your suggestions for future development.
After completing this 5–10 minute survey, you can also opt in to a draw for a chance to win one of two $100 Prezzee smart eGift cards.
To access the survey, select the link or copy and paste it into your browser:
Responses will close at 5:00 pm AEST on Monday 4 November.
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