CCSP assists parents and carers by monitoring and advocating on relevant issues that may have an impact on the education of Catholic school students.
The key issues are
- school funding;
- national education policy;
- parent engagement policy;
- transport; among others.
Healing Statement and Prayer
CCSP and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee responded to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse by releasing a healing statement and prayer in solidarity with all those whose lives, spirits and hearts were broken by persons entrusted with their spiritual and temporal care.
Healing Statement and Prayer 2019
Key Issues for Catholic Education
The key issues for Catholic Education nationally are:
- resolving a sustainable federal government school funding model for Catholic schools for the future
- affordable school choice
- increased capital funding
- prioritising early childhood education
- religious freedom in schools
School Funding
School funding is an ongoing debate. CCSP remains vigilant monitoring government policy. If additional parental support is required material will be developed and distributed to parents and carers.
Prior to the Federal Election in 2019 election CCSP developed material for parents to use to engage with their MPs and candidates relating to issues affecting education in Catholic schools.
So parents and carers are aware of the election issues that impact Catholic schools students, the secretariat of the CCSP works closely with Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW) and the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) to develop materials and strategies around elections and political advocacy for school communities.
In the lead up to the next Federal and State elections CCSP will inform parents and carers about most recent and relevant issues through this website, newsletters and Facebook.
For more information about funding go to the National Catholic Education Commission website
National Education Policy
CCSP monitors education policy of both federal and state governments in the areas that will have an impact on all Catholic school students. Submissions are made to relevant bodies.
Student Transport
Student transport - and bus safety in particular - has remained a priority on the CCSP agenda over many years.
CCSP provided representation on The School Bus Safety Community Advisory Committee. In response to the Committee Recommendations the NSW Government announced a $200 million investment plan to see the installation of seat belts and phasing out of students standing in the aisles in more than 1700 dedicated school buses in rural and regional NSW.